Mouse Trap Dilemma

When I found mice in our basement, I thought, “Oh boy, here we go.” My wife is afraid of mice, but she’s also very into animal rights. So I had a real Catch 22 on my hands – wife sees mice, wants them dead, wife sees dead mice, wants them alive. I had to get creative. In the search for humane mouse traps, I had to use all of my subtlety to prevent her from knowing that 1. We had mice and 2. I was trying to kill them.

I decided on an array of sticky mouse traps. They were successful, but unfortunately, one day my wife was doing the laundry and she heard a squeaking. She followed it behind the radiator and saw a mouse stuck to a board. She came to me sobbing. I needed another method.

There are a bunch of efficient traps out there, but I wanted the best mouse trap, and finally I found it. The multi-catch allows me to catch mice, and then release them into the wild, far away from our house. I told her about it to warn her, and although she won’t touch the trap, she wholly approves of it. So my dilemma is solved - until next time mice of the world!

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