Why I Use Humane Mouse Traps

When I was a little boy we were up in the woods at my uncle’s cabin. He called everyone over to look at a family of mice in a stump. There were a few babies and a mommy. After everyone had seen them squeak and pulse in their home they soon occupied themselves with other things. I remained, and eager for the mice to come out and play, I took a stick and encouraged them to come out by pumping the stick up and down in the stump. My uncle, drunk with rage, saw me and shouted, “What are you doing to those mice?” I, defenseless and innocent, didn’t realize what I had done, until he told me, “You killed all those baby mice!”

Needless to say this event permanently scarred me. Now whenever I see mice a wave of sorrow washes over me, especially when I’ve had to deal with them in my home. The little critters are cute but I know they must be gotten rid of. So I buy humane mouse traps, which I believe to be the best mouse traps, and spread them in areas where the mice congregate. When I catch them, I take the human mouse traps and release the little beasties into the wild.

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