Don't Be Fawlty: Use Catchmaster traps

We all know that Fawlty Towers episode, “Basil the Rat,” where Manuel’s pet rat (which he thinks is a Siberian hamster) is on the loose in the hotel at the same time Mr. Carnegie, a health and safety inspector, is doing his rounds.

The techniques used to try to eradicate the rat created plenty of panic and stress at Fawlty Towers. Basil Fawlty coated a veal cutlet in rat poison and left it as bait on the kitchen floor – and came close to poisoning the health inspector, who ordered veal for lunch, and the hotel's cat. The Major also tried to help by hunting the rat with his shotgun.

This entertaining episode shows that rats are not good for business, and neither is rat poison. Rat poison will certainly stop a rat dead in its tracks, but, being highly toxic to humans and pets, can be risky to use.

To catch rats and mice without hurting them, using a method that does not present a toxic hazard in your home or business, consider sticky mouse traps, which allow you to release the rodents into the wild.

Because no one should have to experience the trials and tribulations of Basil Fawlty, choose Catchmaster traps at the first sign of rats!

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